One of the traditions from BD's family that we have taken upon ourselves to pass on (ahem, aside from having lots of babies...), is the massive making of his great-grandparents' ravioli recipe each year before the holidays. We've expanded the tradition to include our friends, who truly are family to us. They are the aunts and uncles our kids will remember always having around (in addition to their real ones, of course), and their kids are the passel of cousins our family does not really have in abundance here in town. This past weekend, we all got together and made 58 dozen ravioli from scratch (I originally miscounted, but bagging them up revealed the true numbers). Thanks to Chip for the great pictures. I love ravioli day.
BD and SAM rolling out the dough and passing strips to the assemblers (with Shannon there to document)
Somerset working very diligently
Calvin preparing for the pickup tray.

The group enjoying the fruits of their labor

hold up? do i see warren eating ravioli? do i see me eating ravioli? there is something wrong here.
Yeah, the Dixons need some ravioli.
Somerset was so serious about participating! I was impressed with her effort.
Connor, Satchel and Jiro got a hand in there too- it was so fun to see them all working! But I think we were all most impressed with Somerset. She was in it for the long haul, and did a great job.
I wish everyday was ravioli day!
Next year I'm coming. I mean it!
my name is Dixon. I want ravioli too.
whiny me
I showed up for the second-shift--the eating part. Next year I'll definitely have to participate in the making part. Thanks everybody!
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